2021I.H. Li, Design for A Fluidic Muscle Active Suspension Using A Parallel-Type Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Control to improve Ride Comfort, , International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, , -
2021S.T. Wang; I.H. Li; P.Y. Hsu; W.Y. Wang, CNN-LSTM Learning for Human Action detection: Application to an automated guided vehicle, , 2021 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, , -
2021楊政融; 李柏青; 郭峻宇; 施忠豪; 黃晟瑜; 賈欣樺, 陶瓷熔融沈積列印多孔性Ag@AgCl/TiO2耦合光觸媒及其光催化應用, , 科技部工程司110年度機械固力、熱流、能源聯合成果發表會, , -
2021Yu-Tzu WANG; Wei-Heng TSAI; Chia-Hsuan LI; Kun-Chun CHEN; Cun-Bin LI; Chun-Li LIN, Development of the patient-specific implant with optimized and lightweight structure for mandibluar Symphyseal and parasymphyseal region reconstruction, , 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, , -
2021Unnam, N. K.; Yang, L. J.; Joseph, V. J. A; Chang, P. Z., A transparent face mask with microchannel against virus via aerosol, , The 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Lift Sciences (MicroTAS 2021), , -
2020Reshmi Waikhom; Lung-Jieh Yang; Horng-Yuan Shih; Cai-Rong Kuo, Self-heating CMOS flow sensor, , The 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2021_on-line virtual conference), , -
2020衛瑞紗; 施鴻源; 楊龍杰, 安裝於拍翼表面之金氧半微機電流速計開發, , 台灣機電工程國際學會2021全國學術研討會, , -
2020黃晟瑜; 林清彬, 掃描速率,功率與基材對氯化銀粉末選擇性雷射燒結的影響, , 中國材料科學學會, , -
2020林清彬; 黃晟瑜; 賈欣樺; 楊政融, 選擇性雷射熔化成型製造多孔性氯化銀光觸媒模組暨其應用, , 科技部工程司109年度機械固力、熱流、能源聯合成果發表會, , -
2018林清彬; 杜少崴; 康晟恩; 鄭婷予; 郭泓志, S50C 熱浸鍍 Al-23%Fe 的界面分析與磨耗性質, , 中國機械工程學會第 35 屆全國學術研討會, , -