2014楊龍杰, 流體機械科技史, , 淡江大學機械與機電工程學系
2014楊龍杰, ICBAO-2015會議光碟片, ,
2013Shih, Chien-jong, A Niche-Related Particle Swarm Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Multimodal Optimization, A niche-related particle swarm meta-heuristic algorithm for dealing with multimodal optimization problem is proposed in this paper. The inspiration and numerical algorithm are presented and the Rastrigin function with numerous local optima is adopted as the illustrative example. Proposed multimodal particle swarm optimization (MPSO) is sensitive to predetermined multimodal numbers, particle numbers, niche radius, and convergent iterations. The results show that the proposed MPSO is accurate and stable. The presented MPSO is ready for applied engineering optimization and further application., Cham: Springer International Publishing
2009顏鴻森; 楊龍杰, 現代魯班, , 東森電視台
2008楊龍杰; Yang,Lung-jieh, Flapping Wings with Micro Sensors and Flexible Framework to Modify the Aerodynamic Forces of a Micro Aerial Vehicle, , Rijeka: InTech Book
2002楊智旭; 張嘉峰; 楊政達, MATLAB進階與工程問題應用, 本書的編排方式共分為兩大篇,第一篇主要簡介MATLAB工具箱,它分為兩部份,第一部份主要是以符號數學工具箱(Symbolic Math Toolbox)為主,第二部份則是介紹ExcelLink與偏微分方程式工具箱。第二篇則是一些工程應用的範例。第一篇會依照各個工具箱的使用方式做詳細的介紹,第二篇則是舉一些工程上的問題,應用範例經由深入淺出的說明,讓讀者能夠在最短的時間內,學得良好的成效,本書的內容適合大一的微積分、普通物理、大二的工程數學或應用數學及大三的數值分析等相關課程搭配學習及參考。, 臺北縣:全威圖書有限公司
2002康尚文; 楊鍚杭; 林哲平, 微結構, , 新竹市:行政院國家科學委員會精密儀器發展中心
2000楊智旭; 張嘉峰; 彭嵐霖, MATLAB程式應用及問題範例, , 滄海書局
1999葉豐輝; Yeh, Fung-Huei;蔡慧駿; Tsay, Huoy-shyi, 遙感技術在農業上的應用, , 行政院農委會
1998Tzung-Hang Lee et al, Fully nonlinear water wave computations using a desingularized Eulerian-Lagrangian time-domain approach, , WIT PRESS